The instructions for your first essay are as follows:Times New Roman size 12 double space (common MLA format) You cannot use any sources because this is

The instructions for your first essay are as follows:

  1. Times New Roman size 12 double space (common MLA format)
  2. You cannot use any sources because this is a reflective essay.
  3. I only accept Word files. I do not accept PDFs, shared documents, or Google Docs.
  4. Do not forget to change the font size when you added the page number and last name in the top right-hand corner.
  5. This is a reflective essay. The first paragraph, you will introduce the topic. The first body paragraph you will discuss what you liked about the short story. The second body paragraph you will discuss what you did not like, and the third body paragraph is where you will discuss the narrator (what is he like, is he insane, etc.?) The last paragraph is the conclusion.
  6. Do not forget to use italics when you write the title of the story. This is an example: The Tale-Tell Heart. Do not forget the word ‘the’ is part of the title.

Link to the assignment:

and also i’ve attached the example below 

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