Limit your submission to 400 words or less. Answer the following questions regarding the Index case and support your answers with logic, data, and evidence

Limit your submission to 400 words or less.

Answer the following questions regarding the Index case and support your answers with logic, data, and evidence from the case:

  1. How should Index communicate its value proposition to retailers? 
  2. Assuming that you were in senior management at a major brick-and-mortar retailer customer of Index, how would you use or leverage each of Index’s products to build your business, better manage costs, improve relations with your own customers, etc.? 
  3. Still assuming you are a senior manager at a brick & mortar retailer, list the pros and cons for your company of cooperating in Index Connect’s pooled data model. 
  4. Index was created to give brick-and-mortar retailers the ability to compete with the database marketing efforts of major online retailers. List three database marketing activities and offerings pursued by major online retailers.  Explain how Index’s suite of products & services provides brick-and-mortar retailers with a weapon with which they can compete directly with those offerings.

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