Will you help me with this assignment?ACCT 4352 Accounting Research Project In this exercise, you are going to download the

Will you help me with this assignment?

ACCT 4352 Accounting Research Project

In this exercise, you are going to download the 10-K annual report for the most recent year of either
YUM BRANDS INC from the SEC EDGAR database, read review the reported and find relevant information to answer a few questions. You can write your own answers or simply cut and paste when feasible.

The Accounting Research Project is due by final exam date and should be submitted on Blackboard course page at the “Exam and Project” menu–>”Accounting Research Project”.

The link to the EDGAR database is

You can click on search company by company or fund name, and type in the company name. You can download the 10-K annual report for the most recent year of either


1. What business does the company do?

2. In which state is this company headquartered and what is its IRS employer ID number?

3. On what date did the company file its most recent year 10-K with SEC?

4. What are the issues the company discusses in its critical accounting policies?

5. What are the names of the risk the company mentions in its Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Financial and Market Risk?

6. What is the company’s total assets, sales revenues, and net income for the most recent year?

7. Who is the company’s auditor and what opinions did the auditor issue for financial statement and internal control over financial reporting?

8. How many segments and what are the names of the segments the company discloses in its 10-K?

9. What types of contingencies does the company discuss in its 10-K?

10. What are the names and titles of the persons who have signed the company’s most recent year 10-K?

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