Week Six Journal[WLO: depends on topics] [CLO: 4] At the beginning of this course, you wrote an introductory post that included your opinion of what two or

Week Six Journal[WLO: depends on topics] [CLO: 4]

At the beginning of this course, you wrote an introductory post that included your opinion of what two or three aspects of epidemiology you thought most important for public health. Please do not review your Week One post yet. Instead,

  • Compose your answer to this question now that you are finishing the course.
  • Once you have finished writing this down, reflect in your two- to three-page journal entry:
    • How and why your answers may have changed?
    • How your understanding of the importance may have changed even if the aspect(s) you first wrote did not change?
    • How you think these changes affect your actions with regard to dealing with health risks?

Carefully review the Grading RubricLinks to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

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