Week 3 Discussion Discussion Questions: 1. Identify the role of patient safety and its influence on federal initiatives that are used to prevent

Week 3 Discussion

Discussion Questions:

1. Identify the role of patient safety and its influence on federal initiatives that are used to prevent unintentional death as a result of medical mistakes.

2. The majority of health care errors occur in inpatient settings. Errors are becoming increasingly common in outpatient settings.  Discuss at least two (2) reasons for the increasing errors in outpatient settings. 

MUST CITE AND REFERENCE: Please make sure you are using scholarly references, and they should not be older than 5 years. Your posts/references must be in APA format.


From the textbook Policy and Politics for Nurses and Other Health Professionals: Advocacy and Action, read:

  • Healthcare Quality

From the textbook Population Health: Creating a Culture of Wellness, read:

  • The Population Health Promise
  • Epidemiology
  • On the Path to Health Equity
  • Reimbursement Models to Support Value-Based Care
  • Accountability for Outcomes

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