We recommend writing your essay in another application (e.g. MS Word, Google Doc, etc.) You received information about your learning skills after you

We recommend writing your essay in another application (e.g. MS Word, Google Doc, etc.)

You received information about your learning skills after you took the self-regulated learning (SRL) survey, as well as suggestions for becoming a more effective and efficient learner. Now, to reflect on your learning skills and receive feedback on your writing, please use the results from your SRL survey to do your best writing in a brief essay that answers the questions below.

You will need to refer to your SRL survey results and feedback in your essay. We recommend reviewing them, taking notes, and then returning here to write.

Essays must be at least 350 words to be meaningfully scored. Please aim to write a complete, well-developed essay to get accurate feedback about how ready you are for academic writing, and what you can do to strengthen your writing skills.

  • What do your self-regulated learning survey results, and the feedback tell you about your learning skills? Use results from the survey and the feedback to support your analysis.
  • Which suggested strategies from the feedback are you committed to using this term? Explain why you are committed to using those strategies.

Attach is the required SRL report and feedback for the essay

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