Topic – how to obtain Available in BB. In week one, your tutor will brief you on his/her expectations to be addressed in the assignment. Lecture 1 provides

Topic – how to obtain Available in BB. In week one, your tutor will brief you on his/her expectations to be addressed in the assignment. Lecture 1 provides more details.

Due Date Refer to the unit outline for the exact time and date

Individual An individual ONLY assignment.

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Submission – What and how There are two (2) parts (a and b) to this STAGE 2 of your CASE STUDY: Part (a) is the completed written assignment, consisting of: Assignment Cover Sheet e.g., your name etc – i.e., Page 1Introduction and Discussion (see Narrative Structure below) – i.e., Pages 2 to 5 or 6 (4 to 4.5 pages) Do NOT include any table, graph etc here. Create an appendix showing appropriate references for example Table 1 (Source: …) References/Bibliography – i.e., Page 6 or 7 depending on the length of part (a) 2 above (Introduction and Discussion). NOTE: Do NOT include ABSTRACTS Part (b) consists of a video presentation. After recording your 5 to 6 minutes of presentation, upload your video using Echo360. For instructions on how to upload to Echo360 – refer to the pdf document “ACCT2000 – How to Upload Video to Echo360” – which is available in BB.

Narrative Structure Introduction An introduction appropriate for the topic and how you intend discussing it.DiscussionAddress your topic and questionsThe right amount of detail is what will fit in the 4 to 4.5 pagesCombine the information extracted from the various articles e.g., according to Smith 2021 and Brown 2023 etc.  The discussion is not meant to be a repeat of the list of abstracts from STAGE 1. Look at the marking rubric – addressing your topic is only of the marks allocated.Conclusion

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This Assignment has been solved!  Contact me to get the sample for free or order a new one free from plagiarism and AI. My email is:     study9help @gmail .com                        

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I am a proficient essay writer with tremendous experience of over 10 years. During this time, I had the opportunity to tutor various clients with their assignments. The tutoring profession allows me to learn beyond my talents and skills to serve those in need. I offer the best tutoring services by exceeding customer expectations. When a customer consults me for education services, I usually check the instructions to acquaint myself with the work’s requirements and ensure that I can assist sufficiently. I only coach when I know I have the expertise. My experience allows me to tutor at various academic levels, including doctoral, masters, bachelors, and high school levels.           My email is:     study9help @gmail .com                        

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