Topic: Diabetes Management and Education General instructionsDownload the Week 2 PICOT Worksheet TemplateLinks to an external site. to complete this

Topic: Diabetes Management and Education

General instructions

  1. Download the Week 2 PICOT Worksheet TemplateLinks to an external site. to complete this assignment. Use of this template is required. If the template is not used, a 10% deduction will be applied. See the rubric. Save the template and include your name in the file name.
  2. Complete the PICOT Worksheet Template using the scenario provided in the Week 1 announcements.
  3. Follow APA grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation rules consistent with formal, scholarly writing.
  4. Use APA in-text citations and complete references to support your writing.
  5. Abide by Chamberlain University’s academic integrity policy.

Include the following sections (detailed criteria listed below and in the grading rubric).

  1. Practice Problem
    1. Using the practice problem identified in the Week 1 discussion, summarize your practice problem in 2-3 sentences.
    2. Explain why the issue/concern is important to nurse practitioner practice.
    3. Provide an in-text citation from one scholarly source to support your writing.
  2. PICOT Elements: Discuss each of the following PICOT elements in one or two sentences.
    1. P-Population:
      1. What is the nursing practice concern or problem and whom does it affect? Be specific and narrow down your population. The population should be client-focused.
    2. I–Intervention:
      1. What evidence-based solution for the problem would you like to apply?
      2. Provide an in-text citation from one scholarly source to support your writing.
    3. C–Comparison:
      1. What is another solution to the problem? This is typically the current practice, an alternative solution, or no intervention.
    4. O–Outcome:
      1. How will you know the intervention worked?
      2. How will you measure the outcome?
      3. The outcome must be measurable from a baseline.
    5. T–Timeframe:
      1. What is the timeframe or the target completion date?
  3. PICOT Question: Write a PICOT question using standard formatting: In _____ (P), how does _____ (I) compared to _____ (C) affect _____ (O) within _____ (T)?
    1. Use the standard PICOT format and label each element.
      1. P-Population
      2. I-Intervention
      3. C-Comparison
      4. O-Outcome
      5. T-Timeframe
  4. Keywords: Identify keywords for each element of the PICOT question that could be used to support a literature search. Use Appendix B from Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2023) for guidance.
    1. P =
    2. I =
    3. C =
    4. O =
    5. T =

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