Topic: Child and Adolescent Psychology Part 1: Reflection: Description of OccupationThis reflection should be 2 to 3 pages and include the

Topic: Child and Adolescent Psychology Part 1: Reflection: Description of OccupationThis reflection should be 2 to 3 pages and include the following:

Description of Occupation

  • Why this occupation is important to you

An accurate description of this occupation including the tasks a person in this occupation is required to perform

A list of the specific types of knowledge, skills, and characteristics (i.e., work styles) a person needs in order to be successful in this occupation. 

  • How the chosen specialization within the field of psychology (your topic) relates to this occupation and the required knowledge, skills, and characteristics.

Note: The information for this section must be gathered from a credible source.

Include a minimum of 2 to 3 pages, not including the required APA reference pages; submit APA style in-text citations throughout the work as well.Part 2: You will write an APA-style review paper whose topic is the particular area of specialization in psychology that is of most relevance to the occupation you would like to eventually enter (e.g., industrial/organizational psychology if you want to become a human resources director, counseling if you wish to become a school counselor and developmental psychology if you would like to own and operate a daycare center). 

The body of this paper—not including the title page, abstract, and reference section—will be at least twelve pages long, and will be organized into the following sections: 

Title Page

A title page that includes the title of your paper, your name, and the name of the institution. 


An abstract that briefly identifies the following six sections of your paper in a clear and succinct manner 


The history of this area including its relationship to other areas of psychology and/or other academic disciplines 

Theoretical Processes

Two of this area’s theories and the types of behaviors and/or mental processes they were created to explain 

Research Methods

Two of the research methods that researchers in this area commonly use to gather data and test hypotheses 

Empirical Studies

A description of two empirical studies from the professional literature of this area and an explanation of how the results of each of these studies can or have been used to promote human welfare 

Description of Occupation

A specific occupation that the author plans to eventually enter; an accurate description of this occupation, the tasks a person in this occupation is required to perform; a list of the specific types of knowledge, skills, and characteristics (i.e., work styles) a person needs in order to be successful in this occupation; and a discussion of how their chosen topic area of specialization within psychology is relevant to that occupation. The information for this section must be gathered from a credible source.

Explanation of Curricular and Extracurricular Opportunities 

An explanation of how you have used specific curricular (e.g., classes) and extracurricular (e.g., jobs, volunteer work, hobbies, etc.) opportunities during your undergraduate education to accomplish the knowledge, skills, and characteristics you identified in the previous section.


A reference section containing at least ten scholarly references (Do not use generic dictionaries/encyclopedias and use only Websites ending in edu, org, or gov. When in doubt about the scholarliness of a reference, check with the instructor.)

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