This week, you will resubmit your Week 4 Case Essay after you have made the changes and edits based my feedback comments that I returned to you for your

This week, you will resubmit your Week 4 Case Essay after you have made the changes and edits based my feedback comments that I returned to you for your Week 4 assignment.  Making these kinds of edits is part of the active learning process about the writing process.  In fact, throughout your Legal Studies academic career (and carrying it forward into whatever kind of legal work that you may do in the future), you should assume that writing can always be improved upon.  It truly is an iterative process, not just a one-and-done assignment.  Looking at it as such a process will help you to both make your own improvements, as well as see the writing process as one part of many that are used to help ensure that legal clients receive the best possible services. “Week 4 feedback:Overall, good job on this essay. The essay makes a lot of factual statements without providing references for support. In legal writing, any statement of fact or legal basis must have a reference to support it. Additionally, review Blue Book requirements for content to include in a citation, as well as italicizing and/or underlining and punctuation in case law citations. Leaving blanks for page numbers, does not comply with Bluebook, but more importantly it is not at all helpful for the reader when using the citation to confirm the information for which is allegedly supports.

Always proofread your writing to avoid errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and lengthy sentences.

Overall, good job on this essay. The essay makes a lot of factual statements without providing references for support. In legal writing, any statement of fact or legal basis must have a reference to support it. Additionally, review Blue Book requirements for content to include in a citation, as well as italicizing and/or underlining and punctuation in case law citations. Leaving blanks for page numbers, does not comply with Bluebook, but more importantly it is not at all helpful for the reader when using the citation to confirm the information for which is allegedly supports. 

Always proofread your writing to avoid errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and lengthy sentences.” 

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