After completing the matching quiz and scoring your results, reflect on the experience of identifying each item in the formal place setting and address

After completing the matching quiz and scoring your results, reflect on the experience of identifying each item in the formal place setting and address the following:  Formal Social Control: How does learning and adhering to formal dining etiquette reflect formal social control? Are there rules or expectations in other areas of life that operate in […]

Readings and ResourceseBook:Prenkert, J. D., Barnes, A. J., Perry, J. E., Haugh, T., & Stemler, A. (2022).  Business law: The ethical, global, and

Readings and ResourceseBook:Prenkert, J. D., Barnes, A. J., Perry, J. E., Haugh, T., & Stemler, A. (2022).  Business law: The ethical, global, and e-commerce environment (18th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Education.In Chapter 5, you will read about the differences between crimes and torts and the role that criminal law plays in our society. This chapter examines what […]

police brutality reforms is the topic  Required formatting: Times New Roman 12 font, double-spacing, Cover Page, Executive Summary (up to 250 words),

police brutality reforms is the topic  Required formatting: Times New Roman 12 font, double-spacing, Cover Page, Executive Summary (up to 250 words), followed by your Problem Statement and Research Question on the same page. Follow APA 7th Edition guidelines. Length: Literature Review:   8-10 Pages-do not submit less than 8-10 full pages of copy–that does NOT include […]

You will select a topic related to a certain issue the United States is currently dealing with that relates in some way to fraud and financial crime.

You will select a topic related to a certain issue the United States is currently dealing with that relates in some way to fraud and financial crime. MONEY LAUNDERING issues in the United States IS THE TOPIC   The presentation should focus on the current controversies surrounding the specific topic issue you selected.  Let’s say you find articles and research on how […]

This week, you will resubmit your Week 4 Case Essay after you have made the changes and edits based my feedback comments that I returned to you for your

This week, you will resubmit your Week 4 Case Essay after you have made the changes and edits based my feedback comments that I returned to you for your Week 4 assignment.  Making these kinds of edits is part of the active learning process about the writing process.  In fact, throughout your Legal Studies academic career (and carrying […]

Submit a formal research paper (10-15 pages), which is worth 45% of your course grade. Your paper needs to analyze the jury selection process and its

Submit a formal research paper (10-15 pages), which is worth 45% of your course grade. Your paper needs to analyze the jury selection process and its relationship to both: (a) Constitutional law, and (b) an allied field (e.g., education, history, law enforcement, public administration, public policy, psychology, sociology, technology, etc.).   For this assignment, due in Week 8: Within […]

Choose two questions to answer. Be sure to cite sources/facts/statistics/information, and use headings to separate your ideas. What, if anything is

Choose two questions to answer. Be sure to cite sources/facts/statistics/information, and use headings to separate your ideas.  What, if anything is unique about the transnational crime and illicit goods issues policy makers face in regards to Central and South America? Define terms and provide examples. Is illicit goods smuggling (not human smuggling) a victimless crime? […]