STUDENT COVER SHEET-Student and Trainer/Trainer Details


Student and Trainer/Trainer Details

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Trainer name

Jason Chu

Course and Unit Details

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Course name

Diploma/Advanced Diploma of IT

Unit code


Unit name

Interact with a client on a business level

Assessment Title

Assessment 2 – Report

Assessment Submission Method

☐ By hand to trainer/Trainer

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· I have kept a copy of this assessment pack and all relevant notes, attachments, and reference material that I used in the production of the assessment pack;

· For the purposes of assessment, I give the trainer/Trainer of this assessment the permission to:

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Date: ____/_____/______________

Your firm, ICT Outsourced Solutions Provider (ICTISP), provides outsourced ICT support and helpdesk services to all SME’s across Australia. Your services were recently acquired by AIBT.

In this assessment task, you are required to prepare a report for AIBT Management with regards to a Helpdesk Solution required to provide ICT Support in all its campuses nationwide (Sydney, Brisbane and Hobart).

In your report, you need to discuss the general features and capabilities of the ICT solution, including the creation of a service level agreement (SLA) between your firm and AIBT (you can download a sample SLA from

Here are sample videos that can help you start:

You may want to look for helpdesk solutions here:

In general, a report should have the following structure:

· A title page

· Table of contents

· Executive summary

· Introduction

· Body

· Conclusion

· Recommendation

· Appendices

This is an INDIVIDUAL task.

The deliverables for this assessment task are the following:

· ICT Solutions report (hardware and software), and

· SLA between ICTISP and AIBT (you can download a sample SLA from

These documents must be uploaded in Moodle using the appropriate submission link on (or before) the due date (
NOTE: If submitting more than one document, it is best to zip it).


Implementing an Effective Helpdesk Solution for AIBT Nationwide Campuses

Prepared for: AIBT Management

Prepared by: ICTISP

6th April 2024

Table of contents

Title page …………………………………………………………………….…….1

Table of contents……………………………………………………………….…..2

Executive summary……………………………………………………….……….3







Executive Summary

The present report outlines the requirements and recommendations for the implementation of an effective Help desk solutions for the Australian Institute of Business and Technology (AIBT) across its nationwide campuses. The Australian Institute of Business and Technology (AIBT) has campuses in Sydney, Brisbane, and Hobart and, as a result, requires a robust system to satisfy the diverse needs of its staff and students.

The essential features and capabilities of the proposed Helpdesk Solution will be outlined. These include such issues to do with multi-channel support, ticketing systems, remote assistance, knowledge base, asset management, and reporting tools among others. The features are essential to streamline the reporting of ICT-related issues that occur and are subsequently reported in real-time reducing the potential downtime in the campuses and increasing their overall operational efficiency.


The Australian Institute of Business and Technology (AIBT) is a nationwide institution serving a diverse group of learners and staff. Conscious of the increased reliance on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in academic and administrative functionalities, this calls for a system in place to address any ICT-related issues that come in the way of the system users. To address such issues efficiently and promptly, Help Desk solutions come on board. This proposed solution hub will serve as a centralized command centre to serve the staff and students in all of the AIBT campuses of Sydney, Brisbane, and Hobart. As such, it will provide them with real-time help on ICT-related issues in all their departments and campuses.

The report will expound on the general features and capabilities of the proposed ICT solution, pinpointing the key functionalities such as multi-channel support, ticketing system, remote assistance, knowledge base, asset management, and reporting tools. These features are essential for streamlining the process of issue resolution and optimizing resource utilization within the ICT support framework.

General Features and Capabilities of the ICT Solution


The proposed ICT solution for AIBT campuses nationwide has diverse features and capabilities. These are all designed for a prompt and effective reporting process and handling of ICT-related issues while optimizing operational efficiency. Below are the key features and capabilities:

Multi-channel Support: The ICT solution will provide support by application of a range of communication channels. These include phone, email, chat, and a self-service portal. These are a diverse range of reporting mechanisms that ensure that the staff and students can report issues using their preferred method, enhancing accessibility and convenience.

Ticketing System: To ensure the centralized ticketing system is fair for all and that it serves staff and students according to the time reported, it will be implemented so that it can log, track, and manage support requests efficiently. For every issue reported, a unique ticket will be assigned to whoever has reported the issue which allows for a systemic handling and monitoring of the resolution process to the issue reported.

Remote Assistance: Several remote assistance capabilities will be incorporated into the ICT solution so that support staff can be able to not only troubleshoot but also resolve issues in real-time through remote ways. By allowing for quick resolution of problems, downtime is highly reduced and, as such, reduces the need for in-person intervention on the system.
Knowledge Base: In a bid to provide resources necessary for the quick resolution of common issues that may come in the course of the intervention, a comprehensive knowledge guide will be established. It will contain FAQs, troubleshooting guides, and solutions to common problems. This resource allows the users to resolve minor issues and reduces long waiting times, reducing overreliance on support staff and increasing efficiency.

Asset Management: One of the unique and significant
features of the ICT solution is the asset management capability, where it will allow tracking and management of hardware and software inventory in all of the AIBT campuses. This provides for proper and efficient utilization of the organization’s resources.

Reporting and Analytics: The solution employs Robust reporting tools and analytics. These allow for tracking of insights, trends, and resource utilization, as well as identifying areas that need improvement. As a result, there will be data-informed decision-making as well as improvement over time in the ICT support services.

User Notifications: There will be timely notifications to users with concerns about the status of their reported issues. Any potential delays or time till the issue is resolved will be updated for the user, allowing transparency so that they keep informed throughout the process.

Monthly Reports: To keep the management of AIBT up to date with the support activities, there will be monthly reports generated showing the total number of tickets handled, resolution times, and average resolution time, among other statistics. These will help in the monitoring of the service performance as well as the identification of potential areas for improvement.

The capabilities

1. Scalability: The ICT solution can accommodate the growing and diverse needs of the AIBT campuses, both for staff and learners. It can handle increasing user requests without compromising on quality and performance

2. Customization: There are options for customization to tailor the helpdesk solutions to the AIBT requirements. This allows for the adaptation of workflows, ticket categories as well as metrics reporting to align them with the needs of the organization

3.Integration: The helpdesk solution can easily be integrated into the existing system. This allows for a higher level of interoperability with the existing ICT infrastructure of AIBT.

4. Security: The ICT solution has a higher level of security and safe quad of sensitive data and ensures compliance with the existing data control and privacy regulation protocols. There is a robust authentication mechanism in place, data encryption and regular security audits.

5. Automation: To deal with repetitive tasks and workflows, automation capability has been fixed to reduce the need for manual support response and shorten response time.

6. User Experience: The user experience is one of the priorities for this solution in that there is an intuitive interface, easy navigation, and responsive support services. As a result, staff and students will be able to access support resources in a quick and efficient manner leading to higher satisfaction levels.

Training and Support: Training and support allow users to benefit the most from the ICT solution. This will help in faster issue resolution and even offer the users the capability for self-service support.

Continuous Improvement: Using the insights and the feedback from users, it is important to monitor metrics and implement enhancements based on the evolving needs and emerging technologies. The same allows for ICT support services that are responsive and adaptive to changing requirements.


In conclusion, implementing the Help Desk solutions for all the nationwide campuses of AIBT will allow for a seamless ICT support services across the areas of Sydney, Brisbane, and Hobart campuses. The ICT solution has comprehensive features and capabilities that will help in solving a diverse base of problems reported by the staff and students. These features, which include multi-channel support, ticketing system, remote assistance, knowledge base, asset management, and reporting tools, offer efficient management of ICT-related issues and offer support to learners and students but also allow them to resolve some of the issues on their own as a result offering support in real-time reducing downtime as well as overreliance on manual interventions. In overall, the Help Desk solution is essential in enhancing of operational efficiency, minimizing downtime and operation disruptions as well as improvement of the Satisfaction levels of the user at AIBT. Adopting the solution will allow for the optimization of resource utilization, strengthening the ICT infrastructure, and meeting the academic and administrative needs of the users.


Conscious of the analysis in this report, AIBT management should adopt the following. First, it should implement ICT solutions to boost operational efficiency and improve ICT support across all its campuses. They should carry out training and education initiatives so that their staff and learners can utilize the features of the ICT related issues effectively. In particular, it should be able to independently solve the minor issues independently. In addition, there is a need for regular monitoring and evaluation to identify areas for improvement. As a result, the insights gained should guide continuous improvements. Further, adequate resources must and should be allocated to technology infrastructure to support the implementation of the ICT solution. AIBT should also collaborate with ICT service providers maintaining open communication and collaboration.




Technical Support

Assistance with hardware and software issues.

Network Support

Management of network connectivity and infrastructure.

Software Support

Installation and troubleshooting of software applications.

Email and Communication Services

Setup, configuration, and troubleshooting of email and communication tools.

Security Services

Management of antivirus, firewalls, and security measures.

Data Management

Backup, recovery, and management of data.

Cloud Services

Setup, configuration, and management of cloud-based services.

Training and Education

Provision of ICT training resources and workshops.

User Account Management

Creation, management, and password resets for user accounts.

Documentation and Knowledge Management

Maintenance of a comprehensive knowledge base.

Table 1List of services supported



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