Step 1: Select ONE of the following discussion prompts to write a well-organized essay (300-word minimum) with reference to the associated article. Be sure

Step 1: Select ONE of the following discussion prompts to write a well-organized essay (300-word minimum) with reference to the associated article. Be sure to use APA-style format, ensuring that quotes or paraphrases contain the page number in-text.

  1. What insights from anthropology do you think would be most useful to the public, environmental activists, and government officials when considering policies related to current environmental challenges? (Locate the challenges first – 2 minimum)
  2. The reading, Health and Medicine, describes several examples of diseases that result from interactions between biology and culture. Why is it important to consider cultural factors that contribute to illness rather than placing blame on individuals? What are some examples of illnesses that have cultural as well as biological causes?
  3. Pick your own topic related to any of the readings or videos. Send the topic to your instructor prior to posting it for approval.

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