SOC 1301-21.01.01-3A25-S2, Introduction to Sociology Unit VII Case StudyU Assignment Content Your goal in this assignment is to develop a case study

SOC 1301-21.01.01-3A25-S2, Introduction to Sociology

Unit VII Case StudyU

Assignment Content

Your goal in this assignment is to develop a case study utilizing scholarly resources and the theories presented in the unit.

This will help you develop a deeper understanding of the practical applications of the theories discussed throughout our course and encourage critical thinking.

Your submission should be at least three pages in length but no more than four, not counting the title page (if used) and a references page.

A minimum of three peer-reviewed or academic resources are required, one of which must be found in the CSU Online Library. APA formatting should be used for citations and references. Use the definition to define the term in the instructions.

Please note that wikis and blogs are not acceptable resources.

  1. Advocate for Social Change

For this assignment, you will conduct internet research about a significant person who was, or is, an advocate against racial, ethnic, LGBTQ+, or gender inequality. Choose a person who has had an impact on promoting equality, whether through philanthropy, civil rights, teaching, or lifestyle.

Answer these questions in your discussion.

1. Introduce the person. Discuss what led them to become an advocate.

2. Discuss which of the sociological views (i.e., conflict, interactionism, or functionalism) help to explain the type of inequality          being addressed by the advocate.

3. Did their advocacy invoke a change and or influence others? Discuss why, or why not.

4. What lessons do you believe we can take away from this person and apply today?

Make certain that your lessons include discussion about central equality issues today, including economic inequality and social mobility. Conclude the study with your thoughts about how your subject’s experience relates to the concept of the “American Dream”, or a similar thought regarding social structures in the region where they are from.

Save the submission as a Word document (.doc) and upload the document to Blackboard.

The assignment will be reviewed in alignment with the grading rubric criteria which is focused on an understanding and analysis of the case study, application of the relevant concepts, quality of the sources, clarity of writing, and APA citation style.

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