Quoting / Paraphrasing ActivityQuoting / Paraphrasing Activity # 1 (Spring2024)(Sample Paragraph Numbers Have Been Included for

 Quoting / Paraphrasing Activity

Quoting / Paraphrasing Activity # 1 (Spring


(Sample Paragraph Numbers Have Been Included for Clarification)

Fundamentals of Quoting

Quotations must be identical to the original, using a narrow segment of the
source. They must match the source document word for word and must be
attributed to the original author.

Fundamentals of Paraphrasing

Paraphrasing involves putting a passage from source material into your
own words. A paraphrase must also be attributed to the original source.
Paraphrased material is usually shorter than the original passage, taking a
somewhat broader segment of the source and condensing it slightly.

1. Read the following passage from Geoff Johnson’s “Piling Homework
on Kids Is a Mistake That Undermines Work/Life Balance”:

(1) As our careers develop and our responsibilities increase somewhere
between childhood and adulthood, “leaving it at the office” becomes
increasingly difficult and we adults stop playing and start working into the

(2) We forget that play relieves stress and can trigger the release of
endorphins, which promote an overall sense of well-being and can even
temporarily relieve pain.

(3) Continuing the day’s work at home or at the workplace defeats those

(4) In fact, taking work home may be a form of workaholic neurosis that
reverses any personal physical and mental-health benefits that should be
the part of life after work.

(5) Trust me, as a recovering workaholic who always had difficulty shaking
the day off and separating the day’s challenges from my “real life,” I speak
from experience.

(6) To that end, I have always advised young teachers to make sure they
are as fully prepared as possible for the next day before heading out the
door when the final school bell rings.

(7) That same need to separate work from other aspects of life in the
interests of health should also apply to kids who spend five hours of 185
days a year sitting in classrooms.

(8) There is an indisputable and growing amount of research indicating that
for kids, spending more than the prescribed 5-6 hours a day sitting, then
adding more hours of seatwork after school, could eventually be the source
of lifestyle diseases such as obesity and even cardiac problems.

2. In a response of 2 – 3 sentences, select a passage from this article and
quote from it as if you were agreeing or disagreeing with something the
author is suggesting in the passage above. 5 points.

Sample quote with the use of a quotation sandwich:

Whether on the job or in the classroom, Johnson strongly encourages both
workers and students to set boundaries between work and free time. He
argues, ” I have always advised young teachers to make sure they are as
fully prepared as possible for the next day before heading out the door
when the final school bell rings. That same need to separate work from
other aspects of life in the interests of health should also apply to kids who
spend five hours of 185 days a year sitting in classrooms” (Johnson para.
6-7). Without allowing for free time or time to work on life aside from the
job or school, both adults and kids risk getting burdened with too much

homework. This truth can lead to a disdain for one’s education, one’s job,
or both.

3. In a response of 2 – 3 sentences, select a passage from this article and
paraphrase from it as if you were agreeing or disagreeing with something
the author is suggesting in the passage above. 5 points.

Sample paraphrase:

In the first paragraph of this passage, the author claims that as students
age and become part of the work force, becoming a “workaholic” is a
slippery slope that needs to be avoided (Johnson para. 1). Separating
work time from one’s personal time is crucial and needs to be practiced in
order to lead a healthy life.

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