Purpose This assignment provides you with the opportunity to reflect on concepts you have learned from the course and analyze them from a visual and


This assignment provides you with the opportunity to reflect on concepts you have learned from the course and analyze them from a visual and sociological perspective.


You can submit the assignment any time after the completion of Module 1 and before the end of the course.

Please submit an “Image” assignment. This assignment allows you to take a sociological concept/term that you learned this semester, find a picture you feel represents that concept and analyze it from the sociological perspective.    

  1. Pick a sociological concept/term covered in 1 of the 8 modules (terms chosen from a module not being covered this semester will not receive credit)
  2. Each student can examine terms of your own choice
  3. State, bold and define the sociological concept/term
  4. Provide a visual representation (an image) of that concept/term
  5. For the assignment you can choose from one of the following visual sources (political/editorial cartoon, image posted on a social media platform, visual depiction of a current event)
  6. Provide a write-up tying the concept and the image(s) together. This should include:
    1. “Read” into the media, tell the story of the image(s), describe the image(s)- (i.e. What do you see?)
    2. Explain how and why you feel your visual image represents the sociological term
    3. Look through the lens of the sociological perspective and apply 1 of the 3 theoretical perspectives (Functionalism, Conflict, Symbolic-Interactionism)
    4. When applying a theoretical perspective describe how your chosen theory or perspective views/explains the term. For example:  Do they find it positive or negative? Are there individuals that benefit or feel it serves a function in society? Is there symbolism or different meaning and interpretations of your concept?
    5. To conclude your write up, analyze your term in Context (Relate your term to current events, societal structure, and/or your own perspective/experiences)

The sociological concepts (terms, ideas) will come from the material covered in the course and are chosen by the student. Terms chosen from a chapter not included in a module will not receive credit. The visual images can come from a variety of sources. Be creative and have fun with this assignment. The length of the write-up should be at least a full page. 

**The visual images should be from one of the following sources/categories: 

  1. Picture of an event from an article or depiction of a current event within the last 3 years
  2. Political cartoon or editorial cartoon
  3. Visual posted on a Social Media platform.

Please cite the sources. 


Please type, double-space your work and upload in the form of a Word document 

TEXBOOK from the class

Conerly, T. R., Holmes, K., & Tamang, A. L. (2021). Introduction to Sociology (3rd ed.). OpenStax. URL:

Modules you can choose and image based on this and the textbook:

Module 1: Introduction to Sociology: Theory and Methods

Module 2 Culture

 Module 3: Socialization and Social Interaction

Module 4: Race, Gender and Sexuality

 Module 5: The Economy: Social Stratification and Global Inequality

 Module 6: Media, Technology, and Family

 Module 7: Education and Religion

Module 8: Government, Social Change, and Group Dynamics

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