This assignment provides you with the opportunity to reflect on concepts you have learned from the course and analyze them from a visual and sociological perspective.
You can submit the assignment any time after the completion of Module 1 and before the end of the course.
Please submit an “Image” assignment. This assignment allows you to take a sociological concept/term that you learned this semester, find a picture you feel represents that concept and analyze it from the sociological perspective.
- Pick a sociological concept/term covered in 1 of the 8 modules (terms chosen from a module not being covered this semester will not receive credit)
- Each student can examine terms of your own choice
- State, bold and define the sociological concept/term
- Provide a visual representation (an image) of that concept/term
- For the assignment you can choose from one of the following visual sources (political/editorial cartoon, image posted on a social media platform, visual depiction of a current event)
- Provide a write-up tying the concept and the image(s) together. This should include:
- “Read” into the media, tell the story of the image(s), describe the image(s)- (i.e. What do you see?)
- Explain how and why you feel your visual image represents the sociological term
- Look through the lens of the sociological perspective and apply 1 of the 3 theoretical perspectives (Functionalism, Conflict, Symbolic-Interactionism)
- When applying a theoretical perspective describe how your chosen theory or perspective views/explains the term. For example: Do they find it positive or negative? Are there individuals that benefit or feel it serves a function in society? Is there symbolism or different meaning and interpretations of your concept?
- To conclude your write up, analyze your term in Context (Relate your term to current events, societal structure, and/or your own perspective/experiences)
The sociological concepts (terms, ideas) will come from the material covered in the course and are chosen by the student. Terms chosen from a chapter not included in a module will not receive credit. The visual images can come from a variety of sources. Be creative and have fun with this assignment. The length of the write-up should be at least a full page.
**The visual images should be from one of the following sources/categories:
- Picture of an event from an article or depiction of a current event within the last 3 years
- Political cartoon or editorial cartoon
- Visual posted on a Social Media platform.
Please cite the sources.
Please type, double-space your work and upload in the form of a Word document
TEXBOOK from the class
Conerly, T. R., Holmes, K., & Tamang, A. L. (2021). Introduction to Sociology (3rd ed.). OpenStax. URL:
Modules you can choose and image based on this and the textbook:
Module 1: Introduction to Sociology: Theory and Methods
Module 2 Culture
Module 3: Socialization and Social Interaction
Module 4: Race, Gender and Sexuality
Module 5: The Economy: Social Stratification and Global Inequality
Module 6: Media, Technology, and Family
Module 7: Education and Religion
Module 8: Government, Social Change, and Group Dynamics