Psychology in the Real-World Extra Credit Assignment #4To earn full credit for this assignment, you must do ONE the following options: Option #1Points

Psychology in the Real-World Extra Credit Assignment #4To earn full credit for this assignment, you must do ONE the following options: Option #1Points Breakdown

  1. You must provide proof of voter registration – 20 Points
    1. To register to vote, please go to Vote Texas
      1. The personal info that needs to be seen is just your name; all other personal info can be redacted
  2. Must be submitted as Microsoft Word document, PDF, JPEG, or PNG

Option #2

Points Breakdown

  1. Writing Requirements – 20 Points
    1. Reflect on a candidate/voting issue that was present for the November 2024 election ballot, why it mattered to you, and what you did/could have done to raise awareness  – 10 Points
    2. Minimum of 500 words – 5 Points
      1. Must be submitted as a Microsoft Word Document
    3. APA formatted reflection paper – 2.5 Points
      1. That does not include title page, abstract, and/or reference page(s)
        1. No abstract needed
      2. No citations necessary; this can be JUST your opinion
        1. If you use any references, you must use APA formatted reference page
    4. Appropriate writing mechanics are used throughout the entire paper – 2.5 points

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