Project Deliverable 5 | Final Project Presentations Due Friday by 11:59pm Points 10 Submitting a file upload Presentation’s guidelines are as

Project Deliverable 5 | Final Project Presentations

Due Friday by 11:59pm Points 10 Submitting a file upload

Presentation’s guidelines are as follows:

Presentation lengths should be no longer than 15 slides.

Presentations should use visual aids (PowerPoint, Prezi, etc.), and include a title slide with group member names, the group number, the course information, and the tour title/topic.

Presentations should clearly describe the tour to be addressed.

Presentations should attempt to identify the purpose of the tour.

Presentations should provide predictions and practical implications as to how the tour will impact the industry in the future.

Presentations should provide recommendations as to what actions should be taken to execute the tour.

Information in presentations must be supported by the conducting and environmental scan for your tour (review of academic literature, trade publications, industry professional interviews, data based systems, content analysis, etc.). Presentation slides should include APA-style citations on each slide containing material obtained from an original source.

Presentations should include an opportunity for discussion and feedback.

Presentation should be recorded.

Designate one group member to submit the final project on behalf of the group.

Presentation visuals (PowerPoint file/Prezi link) should be posted to the “Group Presentation” discussion board prior to the execution of the presentation.

Once the group presentations are uploaded, you will have until April 25, 2024 to submit your final presentation and to provide a peer review for peer presentations. Please be kind and fair when providing feedback to your coursemates.

Please submit only one report per group.

do a few slides on predictions and practical implications on how the tour will impact the industry in the future.

Philadelphia, New Haven, New York City, and Edinburgh! 3 slides on Do on predictions and practical implications on how the tour will impact the industry in the future.

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