Position Statement Activity Start Assignment In Week 1, you were asked to look at the final argument presentation guidelines, which included a timeline. An

Position Statement Activity

Start Assignment

In Week 1, you were asked to look at the final argument presentation guidelines, which included a timeline. An excellent place to begin this week is with these guidelines and the timeline. You can find them here: Final Argument Presentation Instructions.

The timeline shows that you should have picked a topic for the final presentation by now, and the Week 2 module explains more. If you missed “Picking a Topic” in Week 2, here it is: Pick a Topic for Your Final Argument Presentation.

Once you have your topic, we will work on the final presentation for the next few weeks. Each week’s assignment is built on the one before it. The first assignment is creating a position statement and outlining an argument. To do that, use this template and write your answers directly in the spaces provided.

Be sure that your position statement does not use “I” anywhere and that it uses the Although+Claim+Because form explained in your lecture.  Each part of that form will be used in the next part of this assignment since Although should represent the main objection to your claim, and Because should include the major reasons supporting your claim.

Ex: Although some claim  ________ (insert their objection),     _________ (insert your claim)  because _______ (insert your major reasons).

Although some claim that genetically modified organisms are dangerous to human health and should be banned, genetically modified crops are important to world nutrition because they may be grown in hostile ecosystems, they often amplify nutrients, and they have not been shown to produce harmful effects in humans.

Once you have your position statement, briefly explain what supports your claim, what objections are most likely, and how you will respond to those objections.  

Upload the template with your work saved into it for grading once you have completed it.

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