Please reply of at least 250 words to this thread. Reply must incorporate at least two scholarly citation(s) from at least 2 peer-reviewedjournal

Please reply of at least 250 words to this thread.

Reply must incorporate at least two scholarly citation(s) from at least 2 peer-reviewedjournal articles in the current APA format. Each source can only be cited once and must be fromdifferent sources to the main thread and the other reply. Any sources cited in the replies mustalso have been published within the last five years.Please only cite primary research scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles, i.e., no textbooks,blogs, professional/trade magazines, or non-peer-reviewed articles such as SSRN and Harvard Business Review. The main title and references list do not contribute to the word count.


  1. For my tendencies quiz, I scored 15. Overall, this is a good score. My strengths are correcting my mistakes, looking for feedback to improve, looking to see if those contradicting me are correct, looking for value in another’s arguments, and the absolute truth is more important than my view. I can improve by learning to be less bothered by losing an argument and I can learn to doubt my view of things more often. Moving forward, I can start practicing losing in an argument since the facts may not all be correct, or another person’s experience could be completely different.

Research Paradigm

  1. There are four different types of research paradigms. The paradigm that I identify the most is Positivism. Positivism “is aligned with the hypothetico-deductive model of science” and is associated with aligned relationships (Park et al, 2020). I like to base my research on studies and experimentation. The quantitative approach appeals to me since it could potentially reduce errors made by smaller research groups. In the end, I like to be able to have an idea and attempt to either prove it to be accurate or untrue.
  2. Knowing I lean towards positivism can help me with my research. This means I need to research my theory before moving forward with writing. That way, I can find the correct way to write my paper so it does not sway incorrectly.

Biblical Worldview

  1. Scripture can be used as a lens to help the researcher. The Bible helps the reader and follower see through a lens of honesty, compassion, and love, which is intended to open the door to more ethical decisions.
  2. I would think it is hard to fall into the line of Positivism and to find a relationship with the lord (Bryant, 1975). I do like to see evidence or reality myself (Kaboub, 2008). This is where true faith comes in. I can find evidence in ways that one would not expect. This allows me to look beyond the norm.
  3. Learning more in my studies opens the door to scripture. It allows me to see it differently, more enlighteningly and leads me closer to God and the Holy Spirit. They have been growing together for the past few years and will continue to do so through this program.
  4. Luke 1:37 “for nothing will be impossible with God” reminds me to be grateful while researching and that none of this is possible without his grace. Proverbs 3:5 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” reminds me that it is ok that I do not know all, but God will guide me to make the right decisions in my research. Philippians 2:3-4 “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” This scripture helps me and reminds me that during this path I am not doing it just for me, but to help others. That I should look for ethical research that will help people and not only benefit the business.


Bryant, C. G. A. (1975). Positivism Reconsidered. The Sociological Review, 23(2), 397-412.

to an external site.

Kaboub, F. (2008). Positivist paradigm. Encyclopaedia of counselling, 2(2), 343.

Park, Yoon Soo PhD; Konge, Lars MD, PhD; Artino, Anthony R. Jr PhD. The Positivism Paradigm of

Research. Academic Medicine 95(5):p 690-694, May 2020. | DOI: 10.1097

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