Please don’t copy past anything from the internet or don’t use AI , and citation should be right   or any website like course hero or Wikipedia that a red

Please don’t copy past anything from the internet or don’t use AI , and citation should be right   or any website like course hero or Wikipedia that a red flag all work must be original!!! Write your own thoughts not the internet or someone else thoughts!!

  Required Text:

Finance: Applications and Theory, 6th Edition

ISBN10: 1264101589 | ISBN13: 9781264101580

By Marcia Cornett, Troy Adair, John Nofsinger 

 Class name:  Course Title: Corporate Finance FIN 5063

Week 7  assignment  :

Find a recent risk or incident related to finance like a Ponzi scheme. Analyze it in detail of no less than 1500 words. How did it happen? How would you make sure it wouldn’t within your organization? 

Essential Activities: 

Reading Chapter 9 and 10 in the text will assist you in writing this discussion forum.

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