Please cite your source when the idea is not your own and accurately cite. Need of 500 words or more.  Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum,

Please cite your source when the idea is not your own and accurately cite.

Need of 500 words or more. 

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapters 7 and 8 from the course textbook: Health Policy Analysis: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Next, review the LAND OF THE FREE? to an external site. and Refraining from Assigning Values to Life and Health—Cost-Effectiveness AnalysisLinks to an external site. articles

McLaughlin and McLaughlin (2024) suggest that “although techniques vary, political feasibility prediction tends to rely on seeking out expert informants and asking them how key players are likely to respond to the policy or policy alternatives and how much they are likely to influence the policy outcome. The process therefore usually starts with identifying actors, also referred to as stakeholders” (p.126).

In your initial post,

  • Define political capital and methods for conducting feasibility analysis in the healthcare delivery system.
  • Explain the theories of political change, the actors, and what makes change possible.
  • Describe the differences between benefit-cost analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis within a health care organization’s strategic planning process.

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