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Part A

KA-Video Assignment

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Key Assessment Content

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This is your Key Assesment assignment. In this assignment you will combine all of the knowledge you have gained in this course for the last 8 7 weeks. In addition, you will increase your knowledge about child maltreatment. The most frequent victims of child maltreatment are toddlers. You have completed a powerpoint presentation and a video presentation in the course thus far. You will combine the two formats and submit a powerpoint presentation narrated by you.

The Assignment

Assignment: The most frequent victims of child maltreatment are toddlers. You will read through the most recent Child Maltreatment Annual Report which can be assessed from the

Children’s Bureau
and the

Child Welfare Information Gateway
. You will research the questions below and develop a presentation answering each question. Present your reserached information by preparing a powerpoint and adding your narrated voiceover to the slide presentation.

1: What form of maltreatment is reported most often?

2: What factors increasde a child’s risk for maltreatment?

3: What five states reported the highest number of maltreatment cases?

4: Who was the most frequent perpetrator?

5: How many cases involved child care providers?

6: What are the two prevalent risk factors in child maltreatment? 

7: What is your responsibilty as a caregiver about reporting suspected abuse or neglect of a child? 

8: In your state, who do you report your suspicions about abuse or neglect?

Submit your powerpoint voiceover presentation that addresses the questions above. Powerpoint should have at least 10 slides and your voice over narration should be on each slide.

Part B

Case Study: When Parents Deploy

Can you do this without the text? I don’t have the book.

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Studies estimate that 2 million U.S. children have been exposed to a wartime deployment of a military parent in the past 10 years. Some of those children experienced repeat deployments of a parent while other children experienced both parents being deployed. Parental deployment can stir up a variety of emotions in children, ranging from fear and anxiety to anger and sadness. And it can lead to a variety of academic and behavioral challenges for children. So it’s important for parents, caregivers, and other adults to recognize how military deployments affect children.


Read the Case Study: When Parents Deploy in the textbook on page 300. 

Review Text References: Chapter 1: Perspectives on Family Involvement: pages 5-9, Chapter 3: Work and Family: pages 71-75, Chapter 4: Family Strengths : pages 88-92, Chapter 6: Military Families: pages 148-149, Chapter 8: Conflict Resolution; pages 209-210, Chapter 10: Family Life Education: pages Consider This: Parts A-G: Pages 244-245

Using information from the case study and the provided text references please answer the following questions: (provide specific references and page numbers from the provided references as part of your answers. Feel free to give your personal perspectives about the case study as well since many students in our classes are part of the military community.)

1. Explain the perspectives of Samuel and Paulo, of Alyssa, and of Joseph.

2. What are the professional issues related to best practices in relation to family involvement and early education that need to be emphasized in this case?

3.  When one or more family members deploy, what community resources and other early education programs might support these families? What advice would you give to all of those involved in this scenario? 

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