NSG/416: Theoretical Development And Conceptual Frameworks Summative Assessment: Applying Multiple Theories to Care Top of Form Bottom of

NSG/416: Theoretical Development And Conceptual Frameworks

Summative Assessment: Applying Multiple Theories to Care

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In this assessment, you will create a presentation or paper based on a given scenario in which you will apply Benner’s novice-to-expert theory. Then you will select another theory of your choosing that will address the care needed to improve the patient’s outcomes.


Bill has been working in labor and delivery (L&D) for a year but was asked to work on a medical surgical unit tonight. He has not worked on this unit since he was a student. Alfonzo is the charge nurse with over 6 years of experience in ICU. Alfonzo assigned Bill to care for Mary, an elderly Black female who had a fractured hip repaired today. Bill found Mary confused and short of breath when answering his questions. 


Define each stage on Benner’s continuum for Bill and Alfonzo.

Describe the characteristics associated with each Benner stage.

Predict how both Bill and Alfonzo would react based on their Benner stage, given this patient situation.

Identify what best practices would dictate for this patient scenario. 

Identify how theory frames the care this patient will receive.

Describe where you fall on the continuum in relation to your current practice. Ensure that you consider the setting, patient needs, and level of complexity as you determine your level according to Benner’s theory.

Identify a SMART outcome for Mary that is based on the clinical decision-making of Bill and Alfonzo. 

Apply another nursing theory, one that has not been previously covered in this course (e.g., Orem, Roy, Leininger, Rogers, Neuman, King), to the assessment scenario that addresses the care needed to improve the patient’s outcome.

Write 1,225- to 1400-word paper

Support your work by citing at least 2 current scholarly sources from the University of Phoenix Library, in addition to any textbook citations, using current APA guidelines.

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