Need week 7 discussion and reflection doneArticle Assignment to an external site. Links to an

Need week 7 discussion and reflection done

Article Assignment 

to an external site.
Links to an external site. 2023

CONNECTING WITH ELL FAMILIES: Strategies for Success – How can schools form strong partnerships with ELL and immigrant families? How can school leaders make that happen? The following tips provide some ideas for getting started! What are some of the ways teachers can actively involve & connect with English Language Learners’ parents?


How can you more effectively engage with 
ELL families to foster stronger communication and support for their children’s learning? What strategies are you currently using in your classroom or school that are proving successful? Reflect on what is working well, and identify any additional approaches or improvements you can implement to build more meaningful relationships with ELL families, considering their cultural and linguistic needs.

Minimum 400 words reflection summary citing your analysis, reaction and/or feelings.  Reflections must be written using your own words and organized in essay form, must have proper grammar, and must reference information learned in the weekly readings. 

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