N342 – Henrietta Lacks Signature Assignment Part I: Table SubmissionsBrief Description In this

N342 – Henrietta Lacks Signature Assignment

Part I: Table Submissions

Brief Description

In this assignment you will read/listen to the book
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks and document examples of vulnerable people/populations. You will identify personal characteristics, healthcare biases, and systemic issues contributing to vulnerability and poor health outcomes.


For each section of the book complete the corresponding table.

Each table has different questions
. This will build your understanding of the factors affecting patient vulnerability and impact on health. Create a new document for each table and note all tables have different column headers to align with the new questions. Entries can be brief but should be as specific as possible (proper spelling required; abbreviations and bullet points acceptable; APA format not required).

Table 3 – Immortal (Chapter 23-37) The Role of Today’s Nurse

Copy and paste this table into a separate document and prepare for submission to Blackboard on assigned day.

Themes in the Book. Identify 3 different themes related to inequity, injustice and/or ethical concerns.

Provide an Example. Support your theme with an example of each a different chapter in Part 3: Immortal

Role of the Professional Nurse. As a professional nurse, what ideas, suggestions, or strategies
do you have to promote health equity and social change to decrease inequity and injustice?

Copy and paste this table into a separate document and prepare for submission to Blackboard on assigned day.
Tables should be no more than 3 pages, in Landscape format.


Themes of Inequity, Injustice, & Ethical Concerns

Example from Section 3: Immortal

YOUR ROLE as a Professional Nurse

*Include page numbers for reference later.

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