Learning for Early childhood education Age 3-5 This assignment serves as a compilation of influential works you have read/viewed over the thirteen

Learning for Early childhood education Age 3-5

This assignment serves as a compilation of influential works you have read/viewed over the thirteen week period.  A bibliography, personal summary and analysis of the chosen literature and readings that helped shaped your course learning is required. 
The intention is to keep a running list of the books, various text, readings, supplemental literature you have found along the way that has influenced further thought and excitements. Look at the curation holistically and then look for connections with your personal and educational environments as well as with the course content.  
In sum, you are creating a written reflection on your collection and the curation process as a whole, weaving in your key learnings. 
• What do you notice?
• What connections have you made?
• How have you interacted with the literature? Which was most influential?
• What?, So What, Now what?
*remember the repertoire is vast here: readings, videos, blogs, picture books, other classmates suggestions, children’s work, childhood or personal books, graphica, informational books, poetry. However, it should have been discussed or discovered during the thirteen weeks, not newly listed for the sake of this assignment. 
 If this assignment is left to the end, it may be a big task. It is best to work on it throughout the course by keeping a running list and a few notes as you make connections.  Synthesis and reflection can be done sufficiently within a 2-4 page reflective piece and the number of works need not exceed 20 in your bibliography.  The bibliography does not have to be annotated. 


• Frijhoff, W. (2012). Historian’s discovery of childhood.Paedagogica Historica, 48(1), 11-29. 
*note this is a lengthy article, you only have to capture the essence of it
• Ministry of Education, British Columbia., et al. British Columbia Early Learning Framework: a Guide for Families. Ministry of Education, 2020, Accessed 3 Jan. 2021.
• Reynolds, K. (n.d.). Perceptions of childhood. Retrieved January 3, 2016, from:
• Reynolds, K. (n.d.). Perceptions of childhood. Retrieved January 3, 2016, from
• Said, S. (2015, September 29). Can children’s books help build a better world? Retrieved January 3, 2016, from:
• Tunnell, M. O., & Jacobs, J. S. (2013). The origins and history of american children’s literature. The Reading Teacher, 67(2), 80-86.
• West, Mark I. “Dr Seuss’s Responses to Nazism: Historical Allegories Or Political Parables?” Looking Glass (Blacksburg, Va.), vol. 19, no. 1, 2016,
• Barajas, Joshua. (July 28, 2015).  Not everyone’s sold on Seuss.  Retrieved from: available as a pdf : reader mode 
• Leland, C., Lewison, M., & Harste, J. (2012). Multimodal responses to literature. In Teaching children’s literature: It’s critical.Taylor and Francis, p. 125-236.
*there are many strategies suggested in this comprehensive reading.  It is an “easy read”.  Peruse as you wish, perhaps focusing on chapters 7 and 8. 
• Nation, K., Dawson, N. J., & Hsiao, Y. (2022). Book Language and Its Implications for Children’s Language, Literacy, and Development. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 31(4), 375-380.  
• Wasik, Barbara A., and Jill L. Jacobi-Vessels. “Word Play: Scaffolding Language Development Through Child-Directed Play.” Early Childhood Education Journal, vol. 45, no. 6, 2017, pp. 769–776.

CBC News. (Mar 2, 2021). “6 Dr. Seuss Books will no longer be published due to racist imagery.” Retrieved from:
(video and article)

6 Dr. Seuss books pulled from publication
3 years agoNews

6 Dr. Seuss books pulled from publication

3 years ago

Michiko Kakutani. (December 8, 2020). Obama, the best-selling author, on reading, writing and radical empathy.  Retrieved from:  also as a pdf:
Barack Obama Opens Up About Writing ‘A Promised Land’ – The New York Times.pdf 
Udel, Miriam. (November 6, 2023). What I read to my son when the world is on fire.  Retrieved from: version: What I read to my son when the world is on fire.
Zapata, A.; Kleekamp, M.; King, C. Expanding the Canon: How Diverse Literature Can Transform Literacy Learning (December 2018). Literacy Leadership Brief. Newark, DE: International Literacy Association. Retrieved from:

Harper, L. J. (2016). Using picture books to promote social-emotional literacy. Young Children, 71(3), 80–86. 
Peterson, Shelley Stagg, and Red Bear Robinson. “Rights of Indigenous Children: Reading Children's Literature through an Indigenous Knowledges Lens.”Education Sciences, vol. 10, no. 10, 2020, p. 1.
“Sharing Poetry with Young Children.” Exploring Poetry with Young Children, by Ann Watts, Routledge, 2017, pp. 42–72.

Fassbender, W. J., Dulaney, M., Pope, C. A (2013). Graphic narratives and the evolution of the canon: Adapting literature for a new generation. Voices from the Middle, 21(1), 19
Zbaracki, Matthew D. & Geringer, Jennifer (2014) Blurred vision: the divergence and intersection of illustrations in children’s books, Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, 5:3, 284-296

Murphy, C. (2015, October 5). Why is there so much poetry in YA/teen lit? Retrieved January 4, 2016, from

Short, Kathy, and Kathy G Short. “What’s Trending in Children’s Literature and Why it Matters.” Language Arts, vol. 95, no. 5, 05/01/2018, pp. 287-298,

How children’s books have changed. By Kim Smith  Global News. Posted May 7, 2019 1:15 

Austin, Ben and Meirick, Cody.  (February 18, 2025).  “4 books about measurement that spur children’s thinking”.  Erikson Institute: early math collaborative.  Retrieved from:
Ciecierski, Lisa, et al. “New Perspectives on Picture Books.” Athens Journal of Education, vol. 4, no. 2, 2017, pp. 123–136.
Mesner, Kate. (September 2, 2021). “The truth is in there: creative approaches to informational books for young readers.” School Library Journal. Retrieved from:
Smith, J., & Wiese, P. (2006). Authenticating children’s literature: Raising cultural awareness in an inquiry-based project in a teacher education course. Teacher Education Quarterly 69-87. Retrieved from  this is a long article that includes charts exemplifying authentication. It is an important one for understanding the authentication process.

Beltchenko, Laura, et al. “Intellectual Pursuits of Young Children Through Picture Book Literacy, Focusing on Italian Preschools.” Gifted Child Today Magazine, vol. 39, no. 3, 2016, pp. 145–153.
Compton, Michelle Kay, et al. Storymaking: the Maker Movement Approach to Literacy for Early Learners. Redleaf Press, 2018. (ebook)
*note: a newish book generating much excitement among BC Early Learning Networks.  ebook is provided here for your perusal as well as referenced in module 11
Unicef.  (October 2022). Unicef Storybooks.  Retrieved March 9, 2024.  from: the original resource, Unicef Tiny Stories, has been temporarily removed.  In its place, please review the wordless storybooks from Unicef.
Vasquez, V.M. (2014). Baby Beluga. Negotiating Critical Literacies with Young Children: 10th Anniversary Edition (2nd ed.). Routledge, p. 135-146
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi. (2009). The danger of a single story. [online] YouTube. Available at: 

Bishop, R. (1990) The Ohio State University. “Mirrors, Windows and Sliding Glass Doors” originally appeared in Perspectives: Choosing and Using Books for the Classroom, vol. 6, no.3, Summer. 
Bishop, R. (2018). Diverse books in the classroom, all year round. [online] YouTube. Available: Diverse books in the classroom, all year round
Bishop, R. (2018). Mirrors, windows and sliding doors. [online] YouTube. Available at: Mirrors, windows and sliding doors.
Davidson, Sara Florence. (May 2020).  “Evaluating Indigenous education resources for classroom use.” Teacher., p.22-23. BC Teacher’s Federation. Retrieved from:
Derman-Sparks, Louise (2013). Guide for selecting anti-bias children’s books. Teaching for Change. Retrieved from:
Jackson, M., & Heath, M. (2017). Preserving Guam’s culture with culturally responsive children’s stories. School Psychology International, 38(5), 458-472. 
Khan, R. (2018). Rukhsana Khan The Roses in My Carpet, Words Aloud 2007, Canada. [online] YouTube. Available at: Rukhsana Khan The Roses in My Carpet, Words Aloud 2007, Canada
Park, L. (2018). Can A Children’s Book Change the World? | Linda Sue Park | TEDxBeaconStreet. [online] YouTube. Available at: Can A Children’s Book Change the World? | Linda Sue Park | TEDxBeaconStreet
Wiltse, L. (2015). Mirrors and windows: Teaching and research reflections on canadian aboriginal children’s literature. Language and Literacy, 17(2), 22-n/a. 
Wright, B. L. (2020). Books that Promote Race, Identity, Agency, and Voice. Teaching Young Children, 14(1), 10–13.

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