Instructions · To complete this Milestone Activity, read the question below and then provide your response in the comment box. In order


· To complete this Milestone Activity, read the question below and then provide your response in the comment box. In order to score a “Proficient” or “Exemplary”, your response must be thoughtful and substantive, and you must reference or cite content from this competency. Your tutorial faculty will use the rubric to determine if your post shows the depth of thought required to successfully complete this Milestone. Let’s get started.

· Review the attached Sacramento Police Department Crowd & Riot Control Manual. (Please see the attached file)

· Write a written response (1000 words) to the following prompts:

1. Identify the general purposes of the policies and discuss their quality regarding clarity and comprehensiveness. Are they clear? Are all of them articulated? Are they contradicted throughout the manual? ie. Is safety and protection the stated purpose, but law enforcement seems to be the major purpose? And so on?

2. Discuss the overall definition elements of the manual, identifying five circumstances where ambiguity might lead to policy failures. Will the reader know what everything is referring to?

3. Discuss 5 areas in chapter 1 (A,B,C,D,E, F, or G) with directives where ambiguity may be an issue, the type of directive (mandate, authorization, guideline, procedure, regulation) is not appropriate, or the directive does not rationally support the purposes of the policy.

4. Describe overall whether the policy manual can be improved for the purposes of increasing control, protection, and justice. For example: Some authorizations allow for too much discretion for officers within stressful situations. Mandates and procedures limit situations needing discretion. Guidelines are insufficient and make appropriate decisions difficult–is more direction needed. And so on.






Quality of Post

Does not answer the posted question(s); Post is not thoughtful or substantive.

Somewhat answers the posted question(s); Post is lacking in thought and substance.

Mostly answers the posted question(s); Post shows some thoughtfulness and substance; Post synthesizes, applies or integrates concepts.

Fully answers the question(s); Post is substantive and shows a deep level of understanding of the concepts; Post synthesizes, applies, and/or integrates concepts effectively.

Connections to Content

Post does not include any connections to content. Does not use any direct/indirect quotes or references.

Post does not include any obvious connections to content. Does not use any direct/indirect quotes or references.

Post includes connections to competency content; Includes direct quotes, indirect quotes, or references the content from the competency.

Post includes obvious and direct connections to competency content; May include direct/indirect quotes and references the content from the competency.


Post has identical parts from other resources; does not demonstrate an independent thought process.

Post is similar to other resources; may not demonstrate an independent thought process.

Post is original and may demonstrate an independent thought process that is somewhat creative and individualized. Post may contain novel points or perspectives.

Post is original and demonstrates an independent thought process that is creative and individualized. Post adds value by raising novel points or providing new perspectives.

Writing Mechanics

Post is not written clearly; Includes many errors in sentence structure, grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation.

Post is somewhat clearly written; There may be errors in sentence structure, grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation that affect readability.

Post is clearly written; There may be a few minor errors in sentence structure grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation.

Post is concise and clearly written in an academic tone; Sentences are complete; spelling, grammar and punctuation are correct.

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