In Unit 1, you learned that culture is a complex term in the Humanities.  Culture is a presentation of the arts and other manifestations of human

In Unit 1, you learned that culture is a complex term in the Humanities.  Culture is a presentation of the arts and other manifestations of human achievement collectively ‘and’ culture is the collective customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group. Unit 1 primarily focused on the Tribal people groups whose cultural contributions are still impacting America today.    

For this first assignment, you will review the Great Law of Peace to better understand the soul of the culture it formed from.

Next, you will research aspects of one of the following tribes making up the Iroquois Confederacy:

· The Cayuga

· The Onondaga

· The Mohawk

· The Oneida

· The Seneca

· The Tuscarora

Create a 
PowerPoint presentation with images that explores the tribe you chose in these 5 specific areas:

· Society

· This can include family roles, customs, festivals or celebrations, dances, etc.

· Geography and History

· What territories did they occupy, wars/battles, notable people?

· Fashion

· Spirituality  

· (see also Article 7 of the Great Law)

· Cuisine

Format Requirements 

Your completed presentation must include the following:

Title slide that provides your name, course name, date, and names the culture being explored (Slide 1)

Content slides that state the component, includes an image, and state key points in bullets or in the ‘notes’ feature.

· Aim for 3 relevant bullets per slide ‘and’ provide a well-developed paragraph in the ‘notes’ feature (Slides 2 – 6)

Reflection slide: in a well-developed paragraph, reflect on the contributions this tribal group made to American culture, especially to the governing system they used (the Great Law) and our system (the Constitution). Last, include what you will take away from this culture that has impacted you in a positive way. (Slide 7)

Reference slide: for images/sources used. (Slide 8)

Your first source should be the Learning Content itself. If you use other source material, please be sure it is academically credible and that you validate any sources used by creating in-text citations and references in APA format.

Estimated time to complete:  2 hours

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