In this assignment, you are required to develop a marketing idea for a real-life company of your choice. Consider the target market, product/service

In this assignment, you are required to develop a marketing idea for a real-life company of your choice. Consider the target market, product/service offerings, competitive analysis, and positioning. Develop a power point presentation for this assignment. 

Your presentation will include a SMART goals framework that outlines specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound objectives. Use the presentation to effectively communicate your idea and highlight how the SMART goals will provide valuable insights. Explain each aspect of the SMART goals framework along with justifications for your choices. Your written explanation should further elaborate on how the SMART goals will support the marketing idea. Be sure to support your arguments with relevant research and theories from the course materials or external sources. Submit both the presentation and written explanation as your final submission. 

This should be at least 7-10 slides in length.

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