CityUniversity of Seattle Teacher Certification Programs | Lesson Plan |
Teacher Candidate: | Date Taught: | |
Grade/Subject:: |
Lesson Focus |
Standard(s) Addressed: |
Learning Target for this Lesson: |
Common Errors/Anticipated Misconceptions/Learning Progressions |
Your Students’ Strengths (What do you know about your students that you can leverage in instruction?) | ||
Assessed Prior Knowledge (Strengths)
What knowledge/skills related to this lesson do | Strengths and Interests
What general strengths or interests do | Funds of Knowledge
What funds of knowledge do |
Your Students’ Needs Differentiation and Accommodations | |
Assessed Prior Knowledge (Gaps)
What knowledge/skills related to this lesson might be missing, weak or needing scaffolding or chunking for | Needs for Individuals/Groups of Students
Consider the individuals or groups of students in (ELL, IEP, 504, Hi-Cap, far-below grade level in literacy) |
Learning Tasks (List the steps of what you will do from start to finish in the lesson. Depending on your own needs and strengths, your mentor teacher or field supervisor may ask you to script out what you will say for various steps or modify in some other way.)
Leveraged student assets Culturally responsive teaching Scaffolds for student needs Classroom Culture/Social Emotional Learning Vocabulary/academic language supports Explicit, direct instruction of learning target Accommodations: ELL, IEP, 504, Hi-Cap Building background knowledge | |
Activities/Tasks: Opening Review – Preview – I Do – We Do – You Do – Closing – | Rationale: |
Assessment Strategies – How will you figure out if your teaching was successful? | |||
Include at least three assessments that reflect a snapshot of your assessments through the lesson in a variety of formats (e.g., verbal, written, kinesthetic, etc.) and at a variety of cognitive levels (e.g., recall, application, etc.) Assessments can include questions you plan to ask, observations you plan to make, exit tickets, etc. These assessments should | |||
Objective(s)/Learning Target(s) | Assessment | Format of Assessment | Accommodations |
Some portions of the template may be emphasized or used differently based on differences across content area and/or individual needs. -Last Updated 6/9/2021