Erber & Szuchman (2014) pages 90-97 & Audio: How New York is Prioritizing Mental Health Care for Elders, NPR.Read:PAGE:

Erber & Szuchman (2014) pages 90-97 & Audio: How New York is Prioritizing
Mental Health Care for Elders, NPR.


PAGE: 90-97



For the “3-2-1” post and reply, students are expected to post the following information
on the discussion board for each week:

● 3 concepts you learned from the readings/videos/audio (3 sentences total;
2 point each)

○ Ie. what was something you found interesting? What is something new
you learned?

○ Please post well-thought responses. An example of a well-thought
response: “I learned that dementia is an umbrella term to describe
subtypes of cognitive impairment that cause impairment in daily
functioning.” An example of a poorly thought response: “I learned what
dementia means.”

● 2 questions you have about the readings/videos/audio (2 sentences total; 2
points each)

○ What continues to pique your curiosity after completing the reading,
watching the video, or listening to the audio? What questions did the
reading/video/audio not answer for you?

○ Please post well-thought questions. An example of a well-thought
question: “Isolation may become a problem for older adults, but what are
the best way for them to make friends?” An example of a poorly thought
question: “Old people are lame. Anyone agree?”

○ Please do not edit your questions once you have posted them, as this will
confuse other students who have/have not replied to a post and myself
during the grading process.


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