Each student will review the comments and feedback from their writing improvement guidelines and incorporate it into their research proposal paper.(Hint:

Each student will review the comments and feedback from their writing improvement guidelines and incorporate it into their research proposal paper.(Hint: remember to work smarter not harder, this should follow your topic from the beginning of class). The paper must consist of a literature review that has led to the development of your research question or hypothesis, a brief description of the gap in literature and a reference page. The paper should be approximately 3-5 pages in length with a minimum of 10 professional references adhering to APA 7th edition. Your paper should consist of the following:

  • Title Page
  • (Abstract)
  • Introduction

State the Problem 

Introduce your Research Topic  

  • Brief Literature Review

What has research stated or has not stated

Ask your Research Question 

  • Reference List

this is what is already written and must be used as the start of the paper. 

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