Each of us is a part of different communities: Communities based on geography, such as your neighborhood or nation, communities based on identity, belief

Each of us is a part of different communities: Communities based on geography, such as your neighborhood or nation, communities based on identity, belief or needs, communities based on professional and avocational interests, etc. What are the needs and challenges of the communities you are part of? Which of your communities seems most in need of financial skills to thrive in the future?

Choose one specific community you are part of as the topic for this assignment.  

What specific community did you choose? What are the aspects and characteristics which make this community unique? What are the challenges faced by your community? How can you use financial skill to help your community? Why and how is understanding finance is vital for improving DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) in your community? What do you envision as the future of your community, and how can you use financial skills to help?

You will need to do additional research to address this topic thoroughly. Please use at least six outside sources for your research and cite your sources at the end of your paper. Your paper needs to be 1500 to 2000 words, typed, double-spaced, plus no more than 2 pages of exhibits. Please use APA formatting and be sure to cite all resources used. Please remember that using uncited material is considered plagiarism and is a violation of the university’s academic code of conduct.


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