Discussion Thread: Marketing 1.1 Effects of privacy regulation on customer value creation.( see the attachment file) DISCUSSION ASSIGNMENT

Discussion Thread: Marketing

1.1 Effects of privacy regulation on customer value creation.( see the attachment file)

DISCUSSION ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONSInitial ThreadProvide a 600 to 800-word summary (formatted according to APA guidelines) of the newresearch in this area from a minimum of five new peer reviewed journal articles and identifyquestions that need exploring in future research.Your discussion should be organized in a three-paragraph format:Introductory Paragraph: gives an overview and definition of the topic you chose. Atthe end of the paragraph it gives an idea of how your forum is organized.Current Trends Paragraph: In this paragraph, you will discuss the themes that youfound in the research from the 5 articles related to your topic. This paragraph should be asynthesis of the research and not just a listing of annotated summaries.Future Research Paragraph: In this paragraph, you will discuss areas of future researchby referencing the 5 articles that you identified. The future research areas should be basedon the findings of the authors of those articles rather than general ideas you may have.*A reference section should then be included at the end of your discussion 

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