DISCUSSION AND ASSIGNMENT This week you have been introduced to the Skills, Behavioral, and Situational approaches to Leadership.  Define each of these a


This week you have been introduced to the Skills, Behavioral, and Situational approaches to Leadership. 

Define each of these approaches and their major components such as personal skills or kinds of behaviors. Lastly, define ‘leadership style’ and share an insight you had after completing the two self-assessments provided in this week’s Instructional Resources section.To earn full credit, post an initial response of 500 words that includes at least one APA citation and the associated reference 


Assignment Instructions

This week’s assignment has two distinct sections that will culminate in a 5-full-page paper. The purpose of this exercise is to encourage you to research additional information, organize scholarly sources, and discern the best scholarly sources for forming an argument and conducting an analysis of a leadership topic. You should find at least four (4) peer-reviewed articles in addition to any assigned readings.

Section 1: Leadership Approach

Using what you have learned, write 3 pages about a contemporary leader (someone you know personally or a public figure) and the leadership approach you think this person demonstrates. If your leader has a skills approach, you should identify which of the skills the leader demonstrates, supporting your position with specific examples. If your leader has a behavior approach, you should identify which of the Leadership Grid styles is demonstrated by the leader, supporting your position with specific examples. If your leader has a situational approach, your analysis should identify the development level and style demonstrated in the situation, supporting your position with specific examples and explaining whether the action taken was appropriate and effective. You should also discuss how your leader’s approach would be a useful way to understand their leadership.

Section 2: Leadership InventoryIn this section, you will choose and complete at least one of the three inventories (Skills, Styles, or Situational Leadership) located at the end of the chapters and write at least a 2-full-page reaction that explains your score on the Inventory, describing your perception of the accuracy of this measure, the implications of the score for your effectiveness as a leader, and provide specific examples to support your ideas.

DeliverableTo earn full credit, you will provide a Word document with a minimum total of 5 full pages covering the two distinct sections as outlined above. In addition to the assigned reading, you should conduct your own research using the university library. Sources should be peer-reviewed (academic literature) and must not be older than 5 years. You should find at least four (4) peer-reviewed articles in addition to any assigned readings. Support your work with APA formatted cites and references. The references will appear on their own page(s) and the page count does not include the cover page or reference section.

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