Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological model provides a frame of reference for the role of the community in the success of students in schools. Part of creating

Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological model provides a frame of reference for the role of the community in the success of students in schools. Part of creating a shared vision and positive culture for the school is having a strong understanding of the community stakeholders. By researching basic information about community stakeholders, school leaders can learn about the types of supports stakeholders can offer to the school and also about how the school can implement strategies to support community needs.

For this assignment, assume you are the principal of the school where you currently work or the school where you are most interested in working. You are preparing for the new school year and have a large number of new teachers and support staff, many of whom are also new to the community.

Research the school community and create an infographic that summarizes your findings and presents a snapshot of the school community. This infographic will be shared with all community stakeholders and should use family-friendly language. The infographic should be visually appealing with color, graphic elements, and variations in the text.  The following should be included in the infographic:

  • Basic school information (grade levels, size, number of students served, staffing, community demographics, recent community history or changes to the community, etc.)
  • Values and virtues that are important to school community stakeholders.
  • Overview of school connections (pre-schools, feeder schools, schools that your school feeds into) and any similarities the schools share.
  • Community resources that can support students and families in academics and in meeting other basic needs.
  • Community organizations that could partner with the school in programs to support students and families. Consider student needs based upon factors such as homelessness, the number of students on free and reduced lunch, the need for before and after school care, etc. the infographic as part of the Topic 4 “State of the School Presentation” assignment.

Support the assignment with a minimum of three resources.

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