Assignment Below is a list of the titles of all our assignments through the end of Unit 3 for a quick refresher:Unit 1: Goals & Motivations


Below is a list of the titles of all our assignments through the end of Unit 3 for a quick refresher:

  • Unit 1: Goals & Motivations Assignment
  • Unit 2: DAACS Assignment
  • Unit 3: Planning for Academic Success

Your submission could be a PowerPoint, a “documentary” style film, a written paper, a series of journal entries, short-form videos stitched together, or an infographic. Submit using one of the file types listed below. In your submission, consider the above list of assignments. Think back on your impressions of what you learned this term. What did you know? How will you use it moving forward? What are your key takeaways?

*HTML, HTM, RTF, PPT, PDF, DOC, DOCX, PPTX, XML, JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIF, TIFF, MPG, MPEG, MP3, MP4, M4V, AVI, WAV, MOV, or link to unlisted YouTube video or Microsoft 365 file.

Attached to this assignment are the needed documents for completion.

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