Assignment Directions: In this assignment, you will analyze how teenage sexuality and older adult sexuality are depicted differ

Assignment Directions:

In this assignment, you will analyze how teenage sexuality and older adult sexuality are depicted differently across two popular media sources. The goal is to develop media literacy skills by examining messages about sexuality at different life stages.

1. Select two current popular movies, TV shows, books, etc. One should prominently feature depictions of teenage (13-19 years old) sexuality, and the other should feature depictions of older adult (65+ years old) sexuality. Clearly note the sources you are drawing from for your analysis.

2. For each media source, identify 3-5 key scenes or examples that portray sexual situations, attitudes, relationships, etc., for the teenage and older adult characters.

3. Analyze the identified examples, considering:

· How is teenage sexuality portrayed? What attitudes, behaviors, or stereotypes are evident?

· How is older adult sexuality portrayed? What attitudes, behaviors, or stereotypes are evident?

· How do the depictions differ between the two age groups? Are there double standards?

· Are the portrayals realistic, or do they reinforce stereotypical societal myths about sexuality at different ages?

· What overall messages do the portrayals send about sexuality and aging?

Submission Instructions:

· An introductory paragraph stating the two media sources you chose and your main observations about how teenage and older adult sexuality is portrayed differently.

· A paragraph analyzing the depiction of teenage sexuality with examples from your media source.

· A paragraph analyzing the depiction of older adult sexuality with examples from your media source.

· A conclusion summarizing the key similarities and differences in the portrayal of the two age groups.

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· Course Objectives 
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· Learning Objectives 
1.3 & 1.4 [content page]

Resources & Supports

Office 365 [webpage]: You have free access as an APUS student. Sign in with your MyCampus Email credentials.

Submitting and Confirming a Submission : Watch this 3-minute video if you need guidance on submitting your assignment.

All assignments are submitted to Turnitin, which looks for similarity to other submitted or published writing. Any assignment receiving a TII score of 30% or higher is a sign the faculty may find issues about the originality of your work.  An originality score should generally be no more than 20%.  Assignments with originality scores between 20 and 50% are more likely to have an issue where your faculty may need to deduct points.  Any originality score over 50% is a strong sign there may be serious issues with your final submission that could result in a failing grade. Please keep this in mind as you are submitting work.

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