Assignment: Compared and Contrast Paper (APA Style) Choose one of Dr. Daniel Siegel’s articles that are below or the video that is different from the

Assignment: Compared and Contrast Paper (APA Style) 

  • Choose one of Dr. Daniel Siegel’s articles that are below or the video that is different from the other small- group members (unless there are more students than materials).
  • You are required to write total 800 words (body of the paper) in double-space.
  • Compare and contrast Dr. Siegel’s article, with the NVC book.  (You may choose only to compare or contrast, or both).
  • Your paper should have an abstract and conclusion* (*300 words), note these are not be part of the total 800 words body of the paper.

Some Guidance for Writing: 

  • Remember that it has to be original work —do not submit a paper from another class, even if it is your own.  Fail to do this, you will get zero for this assignment.
  • Note that a compare and contrast paper is not a summary nor an essay, thus, do not make a summary.   Also, do not use a big quote as this will be to the detriment of your grade.
  • This paper has to be submitted in APA style.

Remember that your paper has to be written with supporting facts that can be verified.  Avoid making claims such as “this is true.”  Say instead something like “it can be suggested,” “the author explains.”   It is important that you give a suggestion/s of how new research can shed new information.  This has to be mentioned in your conclusion.   

  • Also, it should mention what have you accomplished, discovered, and explain its meaning.
  • In your research paper, you need to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of what you have chosen to talk about. Be accurate about what you are writing about.
  • Also, at the end of your paper, you have to write your   bibliography–is not part of the total amount off words submitted words of your paper.


  • Articles: (Mandatory articles to use for comparing and contrasting.   1- Dr. Dan Siegel Resources Video: 2- Aticle: 3- Article:  4- Article: 

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