Assignment about Septic shock. Please use language that is appropriate for a 20 year old. No plagerism.QSEN Writing Assignment

Assignment about Septic shock. Please use language that is appropriate for a 20 year old. No plagerism.

QSEN Writing Assignment Rubric NURS 2115


QSEN Competency




Patient-Centered Care

(25 points)

Explain the most crucial patient needs of a patient in septic shock (5 points)

Discusses the importance of including patients and families in decisions about care of the septic shock patient (5 points)

Provides examples of how different people with septic shock might need different care (5 points)

Prioritizes nursing interventions and care of the septic shock patient (5 points)

Explains patient teaching on septic shock (5 points)

Teamwork and Collaboration

(13 points)

Illustrate why it is essential to work with different members of the healthcare team in taking care of a patient in septic shock (3 points)

Provides examples of how to facilitate communication between various members of the healthcare team (5 points)

Provides examples of how healthcare workers can be involved in caring for patients in septic shock (5 points)

Evidence-based Practice

(15 points)

Describes clinical manifestations of septic shock (5 points)

Identifies areas needing more research regarding septic shock (5 points)

Provides diagnostics for septic shock (4 points)

Cites current research on septic shock (1 point)

Quality Improvement

(8 points)

Identifies ways to improve septic shock treatment (5 points)

Mentions how to evaluate effective septic shock treatment (3 points)


(20 points)

Discusses patient safety needs and concerns in septic shock (5 points)

Describes examples of how to best protect patients in septic shock (5 points)

Identifies the most common problems and solutions that could occur when treating septic shock (5 points)

Discusses how sepsis contributes to multiorgan failure (5 points)


(13 points)

Utilizes for paper review (2 points)

Utilizes technology to find current information about septic shock (2 points)

Correctly formats reference page with at least 3 scholarly articles within the last 5 years (3 points)

Formats document using Arial or Times New Romans size 12 font (2 points)

Follows APA 7th edition formatting throughout the paper (4 points)


(3 points)

Assignment submitted on time (1)

Uses reliable, scholarly sources (1)

No errors in sentence structure or spelling (1)


(3 Points)

Summarizes the article in 1-2 paragraphs (1)

Paper is 2-3 pages (excluding title and reference page) (1)

References are current and relevant (1)

Overall impression

Exceptional paper that demonstrates a deep understanding of septic shock and nursing management, integrating evidence-based practice and QSEN competencies effectively. Adequately explains why sepsis/septic shock is the leading course of death in noncoronary ICU patients (76-100)

Proficient paper that demonstrates a solid understanding of septic shock and nursing management, with some areas for improvement in the integration of evidence-based practice and QSEN competencies. (51-75)

Adequate paper that addresses the basics of septic shock and nursing management, but lacks depth in the integration of evidence-based practice and QSEN competencies. (26-50)

Below average paper that demonstrates limited understanding of septic shock and nursing management, with significant gaps in the integration of evidence-based practice and QSEN competencies. (0-25)

A 75% or greater is required to pass this assignment.

Total points/grade



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