Applied science: How was bipedalism related to the evolutionary needs to survive and reproduce? Which of these explanations (if any) makes the most sense

Applied science: How was bipedalism related to the evolutionary needs to survive and reproduce? Which of these explanations (if any) makes the most sense to you?

Bipedalism, or walking on two legs, is critical in human evolution. It has been related to various survival and reproductive benefits. Environmental changes, such as the transition to wide savannas, necessitated effective long-distance migration, which bipedalism enabled. It also improved thermoregulation by limiting direct solar exposure. Freeing the hands allowed early people to use tools, carry food, and gather, providing a huge survival advantage. Bipedalism also promoted social behaviours and mating displays, so increasing pair ties and improving reproductive outcomes. The energy efficiency of bipedal mobility, as well as the advantages of having free hands for tool use and carrying, are especially persuasive theories. Overall, a combination of these variables most likely influenced the evolution of bipedalism, which provided the most extensive survival and reproductive benefits.

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