Amazon’s offerings and strategies in different countries.  Instructions attached.You will leverage the analysis of McDonald’s to build your global

Amazon’s offerings and strategies in different countries.  Instructions attached.

You will leverage the analysis of McDonald’s to build your global mindset [].  Using a local context, we can critique local and global businesses.  

You must perform independent research by exploring websites, social media, and scholarly articles.  Your research should seek to identify similarities and differences among the service options. 

An article to get you started ->  

For this assignment, we delve into the world of Amazon, a global eCommerce giant with a footprint in various nations around the globe. Given the local flavors that eCommerce adopts, it’s important to understand how global strategies are tweaked to resonate with local tastes and demands. You will dissect Amazon’s operations in three different countries: USA, Costa Rica, and South Africa.

Start with independent research to understand Amazon’s functioning, offerings, and nuances in these countries. This includes digging into their websites, advertisements, social media channels, and scholarly articles. Aim to understand both the unique offerings tailored for each country and the underlying universal strategies.

To document your findings, it is recommended to use a four-column format for easier comparison (Context/Area, USA, Costa Rica, and South Africa – you can also consider a different country too). (30 points)

What product categories are most popular in each country? (3 pts)

What are the delivery timelines – standard and express delivery? (6 pts)

Describe Amazon Prime’s benefits in each country. Are there any local adaptations? (6 pts)

How do consumers pay for their purchases? Investigate payment options and any region-specific installment plans or discounts. (6 pts)

Select three more comparison criteria. (9 pts)

After conducting your research, answer the following questions. Ensure that each answer consists of at least 5 sentences (20 points)

How do local cultural nuances and shopping habits influence Amazon’s offerings and strategies in each country? (5 pts)

What are the observable impacts of Amazon on consumers and local businesses in these countries? (5 pts)

Identify two strategies or practices from Japan and Brazil that could be potentially beneficial if implemented in the USA or other countries. (5 pts)

Looking ahead, what do you envision for Amazon’s global eCommerce model in the 2030s? (5 pts)

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