3 parts: 250-400 words/each part Part 1: There are clear advantages and criticisms of the current DSM and the process of diagnosis in general. 1.   What do

3 parts:

250-400 words/each part

Part 1: There are clear advantages and criticisms of the current DSM and the process of diagnosis in general.

1.   What do you think about the current classification system and its collection of both categorical and dimensional information?

2.   What do you see as the biggest challenge(s) in using it for diagnosis?

3.   What is a question to post at the end of your thoughts that would encourage your peers to talk to you more about this week’s topic?

Remember that all posts are graded for substance and thoughtful consideration of the discussion topic.


Part 2: Discussion posts should be reflective of college level writing and discourse.  Please be sure that your posts are substantive and are written in depth and detail.  As a guide, please use the following word count ranges:

  • Initial posts: 250 to 400 words
  • Reply posts:  125 to 150 words.  Replies should relate to the post that you are responding to and in addition, ask a question, add new information or add a new resource to the discussion.

 IMPORTANT NOTE:  All writing for this assignment must be original.  Content generated by Artificial Intelligence is not permitted and will be addressed via the Student Code of Conduct. 

Sexual behavior in adolescence can have a wide variety of consequences. In estimation, nearly half of all U.S. high school students have had sexual intercourse; the average age of first intercourse for boys and girls is 15. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an average of 40,000-80,000 new cases of HIV are reported each year; approximately half of the new infections are among people younger than 25. On average, 12 million new cases of sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s) being reported each year and adolescents have among the highest-reported rates of gonorrhea and Chlamydia.

Drawing on material from the course, respond to the following questions:

1.   What cognitive and social factors contribute to high-risk sexual behavior in some adolescents?

2.   Some schools teach outdated sex education programs. Explain why these programs are still implemented, regardless of research.

In addition to your own search, this source and the other readings may help guide your discussion.


Part 3: For this week’s discussion question, you tackle an interesting topic: should cognitive performance-enhancing drugs (CNS stimulants) be used by “healthy” people?  Why or why not?  What could be the benefits/downsides/risks? Certainly, feel free to use those as a starting point, but be sure to bring something of your own to the discussion, substantiating your position.

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