200 word response 1 reference/intext citation due 7/17/2024 Buhrman 1. What are the key purposes of utilizing logic models in criminal justice? 1.

200 word response 1 reference/intext citation due 7/17/2024


1. What are the key purposes of utilizing logic models in criminal justice?

1. Utilizing logic models in criminal justice allows the system to develop a specific plan for each individual. Every person is different, meaning their treatment and time in the criminal justice system will be different and require different needs. A good way to think of a logic model is via flow chart, there are different stages within the flowchart that a individual must meet, however it may be different depending on their crime or sentence. The key purpose of using logic models in the system is to manage and evaluate the system regularly, while linking activities, outputs, and outcomes together.

2. What are the benefits of using logic models in planning and evaluating criminal justice programs? 

1. In the planning stage, using a logic model provides a clear outline of what is to be expected, making it easier to create goals and understand what steps need to be taken to make a program thrive.

2. In the evaluating stage, the logic model provides a step by step guide on what the program should look like, making it easy to point out spots for improvement. In fact, Logic Models “can aid in the conceptualization of the review focus and illustrate hypothesized causal links, identify effect mediators or moderators, specify intermediate outcomes and potential harms, and justify a priori subgroup analyses when differential effects are anticipated.” (Anderson et al, 2011).

3. Provide examples to substantiate your rationale.

1. A logic system in a criminal justice program lays out the programs needs and goals, activities to get there, and what the outcome/impact of that logic system is. With this layout an evaluator can look at each aspect of the program viewing through the eyes of the program plan made by the logic model. The plan evaluated is easily made due to the logic model showing each goal and activity that links those together.

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